Benefits and Risks of Full Jaw Restoration.

Dental Implants Solutions

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Poor dental health may harm many areas of your life, including your career life, social life, personality, and so much more. Fortunately, restorative dentistry treatments may restore your oral health and give you a smile that will enhance your oral health and look. Full Jaw Restoration can surely make you feel better about how you portray yourself.


Full jaw restoration is a process that corrects dental issues. In this procedure, your dentists use dental implants and screw-retained dentures which look similar to your natural teeth. Furthermore, a full-jaw restoration entails repairing your gums, jaw, and mouth structure, which are critical to your dental health.


Here are some benefits and risks of full jaw restoration that you should know before getting full jaw restoration treatment.




Improved oral health:


Poor dental health has an impact on the appearance and function of your teeth and gums. Brushing cracked or crooked teeth is difficult, and food gets lodged between spaces in your teeth. A full mouth restoration treatment reduces the risk of oral infections caused by tooth loss or decay.

 Full Jaw Restoration 

Improved smile:


As your teeth and gums deteriorate, your face begins to exhibit indications of age. Teeth extraction can cause your gums and face to sink in, and develop cracks around your lip. Along with your enhanced smile, full jaw restoration dentistry may help you look younger.


Replace missing teeth:


Missing teeth can prevent you from applying for jobs and influence your confidence and the general quality of your life. Missing teeth influence the neighboring teeth, causing discomfort, pain, and more tooth loss.


You can eat whatever you like:


Your gums and jaws are strengthened with a full-mouth restoration, which means you can eat whatever you like. Full jaw restoration improves your jaw function and causes fewer headaches.




Tooth breakage:


A complete mouth reconstruction does not imply that you will never need to see a dentist again. Restorations require the same level of care and upkeep as natural teeth. Replacement crowns, implants, and veneers might fail due to poor oral care, resulting in fractured teeth and infections.


Oral infections:


Infections are always a danger after surgical treatments, including oral surgery. Patients who have oral surgery as part of their full jaw restoration must take extra precautions to keep the surgical site clean.


Risk of root canal:


Though it is unusual, a crown might become loose enough for germs to reach the native tooth beneath the treatment. If the tooth becomes infected inside, root canal therapy is the only treatment that may save it from utter failure.

 root canal 

Poor oral health:


Full jaw restoration is a big decision to make because it comes with risks. However, without the operation, your health may face significantly larger dangers. For example, gum disease can cause heart attacks, strokes, and diabetic problems. If the germs that cause cavities are allowed to multiply, they might enter the bloodstream and create health issues.




The advantages of a complete mouth reconstruction significantly exceed the risks. Full jaw restoration can provide patients with a lot of significant advantages. Full jaw restoration makes a tremendous impact on your quality of life, from improved oral health to improved tooth structure, to better function and general health.


Contact your Walnut Creek dentist, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Dental Implant Solutions for more information on full jaw restoration.




Full Jaw Restoration


This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition  

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Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS

2021 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite 100A

Walnut Creek, CA 94596



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