What to Expect From The Procedure of A


In a perfect world, dentists would simply complete routine cleanings and provide basic dental care and guidance to help us keep our teeth in great shape. But there are a variety of outside factors – lifestyle, bad habits, genetics, and more, that can damage our teeth beyond the scope of normal care. Grinding teeth, eating too much sugary or acidic foods and failing to brush promptly, or even participating in aggressive contact sports can damage teeth and force a trip to the dentist. If your dentist has determined that a dental crown is the solution for your damaged teeth, keep the following concepts in mind as you prep for your surgery.

Different Types of Crowns

There are several types of crown materials that can be used during the procedure, and the American Dental Association (ADA) indicates that there are benefits and drawbacks to each type. Make sure you talk with your dentist or oral surgeon to clarify the differences among the various material types until you have a crystal-clear understanding. Most crowns are made of porcelain or ceramic, though materials as diverse as stainless steel and resin are also used.

Day One – Preparation

You’ll generally visit the dentist two times to successfully complete the dental crown. The first appointment is quite important, as the oral surgeon will do all of the preparatory work to make the crown surgery a success. An inspection of the affected teeth is completed to ensure that the crown will have a firm base upon which to anchor. Then, the dentist may even begin the process of filing down the existing tooth to create the ultimate bonding surface. If the tooth is seriously broken or damaged, your surgeon may opt to fill the affected area during this first visit.

Once the tooth is prepared for surgery, your dentist will take an imprint of the tooth and send it off to a lab to have the crown constructed. But don’t worry, you won’t have to walk around until the second visit with filed down teeth or temporary dental work – a short-term crown will be put in place to protect the tooth.

Day Two – Crowns Are Placed

On the second visit to the dentist, you’ll have your temporary crown removed and the permanent one will be installed using a special, fast-acting dental adhesive that is incredibly strong. This is a fairly quick procedure, so you won’t have to dedicate all day to your trip to the dental office. And, once you walk out the front door you’ll have a strong, attractive, and life-like dental crown in place over your damaged tooth.

Though you’ll look amazing and feel great knowing your previously damaged tooth is now reinforced with a dental crown, it may take some time getting used to the crown. After all, you’ve had a broken, chipped, or cracked tooth in there for quite some time! Once your surgery is complete, your dentist will provide you with complete care instructions to ensure your new crown stays attractive and functional for years to come.

For more information about dental crowns and other restorative dental procedures, contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Dental Implant Solutions today and schedule your free of charge consultation appointment.



Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS

2021 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite 100A

Walnut Creek, CA 94596



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