Dental Bridge: Benefits and Care

Dental Implants Solutions

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If you are missing teeth, you should consider dental bridge health benefits. The gaps in your smile can lead your other teeth to shift into the open space or potentially induce jaw deterioration over time. 

Gaps in your smile might make it difficult to eat, speak, or feel confident daily. Dental bridge operations provide patients with missing teeth with a remedy by replacing the space with a false tooth that is similar in looks and feels like a natural tooth. 

Dental bridges secure an artificial tooth in the open space with crowns on the original teeth or dental implants on both sides. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of dental bridges so that you may make an informed decision. 

Why do I need a dental bridge?   

If you Lose a tooth, neighboring teeth may shift into the empty area because teeth work together. Your opposing jaw's teeth can also slide up and down toward the space. This can result in the following:  

  • Bite issues
  • Difficulties chewing  
  • Pain due to the additional strain on your teeth and jaw
  • Self-consciousness about your appearance or your smile

Furthermore, the most common reasons for tooth loss include tooth decay, gum disease, and injury. Congenital illness is one of the causes of missing teeth. A dental bridge necessitates the presence of healthy teeth on both sides of the missing teeth. Therefore, false teeth can be beneficial if you have a lost tooth or teeth.  

Dental Bridge: Benefits and Care 

Benefits of dental bridge  


Smile restoration  


Patients with lost teeth who want to restore their smile might consider dental bridges. According to Dr. McVey, a Coeur d'Alene dentist, dental bridges are one of the quickest tooth replacement choices, allowing you to restore your smile rapidly. When you are confident in the appearance of your smile, you will smile more frequently, which will improve your quality of life. This is important when deciding whether a dental bridge is the best solution for you.


Eating and speaking  


Another significant advantage is the ability to chew correctly and talk effectively. Certain types of food can be difficult or uncomfortable to chew after a patient has lost a tooth or teeth. Word pronunciation can suffer as well. These problems can be resolved with a dental bridge. 


Maintains the Natural Shape of the Face 


When you lose teeth, the jawbone beneath the gap may deteriorate. Tooth roots encourage bone cell production in the jawbone. As a result, it's critical to keep the area of the gums where the tooth is absent stimulated. 


Stop teeth from moving 


A dental bridge can aid in the retention of your original teeth. When you use a restorative element like a dental bridge to fill up gaps along your gum line, your other natural teeth are far less prone to move and become loose. 


Dental bridges appear and feel more natural


Dentures frequently move around in the mouth, which is both uncomfortable for the patient and visible to people around them. Dental bridges appear like natural teeth, so no one will suspect they aren't real! 


A dental bridge does not necessitate surgery


Unless you have an implant-supported bridge installed, you will not need surgery to restore your smile. Traditional, cantilever, and Maryland bridges are outpatient operations that can be accomplished in a single visit and do not require a lengthy recovery. 


How to care for your dental bridge?  


The dental bridge's success depends on the remaining teeth' health and strength. Moreover, it's especially vital with a bridge to avoid tooth decay and gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss. You can do the following practices for healthy teeth and gum care:  


  • Brush twice a day and floss once daily: A dental professional can show you how to brush and floss properly. You will most likely utilize a threader floss, which allows you to glide the floss between the bridge and your gum.  
  • Get routine professional cleaning: Seeing a dentist can help detect issues early, making the treatment more successful.  
  • Eat a well-balanced diet: It is essential to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fiber while limiting chewy, fibrous items such as some meats.  


Therefore, consult your dentist for a check-up if you detect changes in your bite or if eating becomes painful. Similarly, contact your healthcare practitioner if you experience pain, redness, swelling, or bleeding near the bridge.  




Missing teeth can affect how you eat, speak, and smile. However, a dental bridge can improve the appearance and function of your mouth. Dental bridges repair the gap left by missing teeth and have a long lifespan. Consult your doctor to see if a dental bridge is correct. Maintain good oral hygiene and schedule frequent cleanings with your dentist.


Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS, at Dental Implant Solutions to know more about dental bridge benefits.




Which Type Of Dental Bridge Is For You?


*This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition*


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Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS

2021 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite 100A

Walnut Creek, CA 94596

(925) 939-2600


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