Dental Implants Solutions
This is a common question that frequently arises when talking about endodontic care. Endodontic treatment such as root canal is important because it helps to save natural teeth and provides for added functionality lasting decades if not for an entire lifetime. Keep in mind that no two patients are alike so each case will be unique and different. However, that said root canal therapy is highly effective and will in most cases last for quite a long time. It is important to note that endodontic treatment is designed specifically to save a tooth when its pulp, which is living tissue, has become infected, diseased or decayed. What is most alarming is that when the pulp of the tooth becomes infected and dies, an infection can spread into other parts of the mouth and face.
The Sooner the Tooth is Treated the Better
Endodontic care or root canal therapy effectively removes infected tooth pulp. Following removal of the pulp, the root canal is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. It is also shaped internally and filled to ensure a permanent and lasting seal. This is all done to make certain that the tooth is far less susceptible to any possible future infections. There are several factors that can have an impact on how long does root canal treatment take. For example, the time of treatment can have a direct and lasting effect on the longevity of any root canal therapy. In essence, the sooner the tooth is treated the better the overall long-term results.
Not All Teeth are the Same
Most endodontic care providers would likely agree that it is better not to put off treatment if at all possible. In addition, the quality of the root canal therapy can have a direct impact on how long the actual treatment will last. Even something as simple as staying proactive when it comes to returning for your final visit to have a permanent crown placed can directly affect the long-term prospects for any typical root canal treatment. Equally important is to consider that not all teeth are the same when it comes to root canal therapy. For example, the front teeth each have just a single root and are therefore easier to access and treat appropriately. Front teeth also experience less overall biting forces that other teeth.
Complex Procedures
Conversely, the back teeth routinely experience higher biting forces and may have two or three roots requiring more complex and more detailed canal therapy. When teeth are more difficult to access such as those in the back of the mouth, the treatment can take longer and require more complex procedures. Another important consideration is that a front tooth may actually not require a crown following root canal therapy. That said, in most cases a back tooth may need some type of permanent crown as a way to create a lasting treatment. Talk with your dentist in Walnut Creek, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Dental Implant Solutions today to learn more about root canal treatment and all that it makes possible.
[1] Understanding Root Canal Therapy
[2] Root Canal is Virtually Painless
[3] What is Endodontics?
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Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS
2021 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite 100A
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 939-2600