Dental Implants Solutions
Dental crowns are more popular and more effective than ever before. They offer an excellent solution for those who have experienced some type of tooth-related trauma. Whether it is a disease, periodontitis, or some other issue like a cracked tooth, dental crowns are highly effective and highly desirable in restoring damaged teeth. They are custom-fitted and are usually made of porcelain that is heavy-duty and durable. In addition, they are often used following root canal therapy. Here are some ways to increase the success rate of dental crowns.
Avoid Nuts and Things Like Crunchy Vegetables
For example, what you eat and drink following a crown procedure can have a big impact on long-term success. Here are some foods that should clearly be avoided. Sugar is high on the list in terms of things to avoid following a dental crown procedure. Sugar is known to be very damaging to teeth. That said it is also best to avoid nuts and things like crunchy vegetables. Anything that is hard and requires substantial chewing force can damage a new crown. It is best to allow time for the crown to bond with your natural tooth before attempting to eat any type of hard foods.
The Crown May Be Sensitive To Temperature
In addition, sticky foods like candy such as caramel are not recommended. These foods have high sugar content but can also stick to a crown and force it to become loose in the early stages following placement. Even cold foods are best avoided immediately following having a permanent dental crown placed. This is because areas immediately surrounding the crown may be sensitive to temperature. Gum, raisins, popcorn as well as soda and other similar types of foods are best avoided for several weeks to increase the success rate of dental crown placement. Talk with your dental care provider, Walnut Creek dentist, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Dental Implant Solutions today to learn more about dental crowns and all their many benefits.
[1] Exploring The Dental Crown For Dental Implants Option
[2] How Long Will My Dental Crown Procedure Take?
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Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS
2021 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite 100A
Walnut Creek, CA 94596