Dental Implants Solutions
Any time an individual experiences something that results in a missing tooth, it is important to know that there are missing teeth restoration options. There are indeed several ways to replace a missing tooth in today’s world of modern dentistry. For example, there is something known as a removable partial denture. This type of denture can be worn during the day as a way to hide a space resulting from a missing tooth. One drawback of removable partial denture is that it can shift or move when eating or speaking. In most cases, a removable denture is removed at night where it can be soaked in a cleaning solution.
The Modification Of Surrounding Healthy Teeth
One of the main advantages of removable dentures is that they do not require the modification of surrounding healthy teeth. Another option is something known as a temporary denture this is used as a temporary fix until a more permanent restoration can be performed. In addition, a bridge is usually considered a good option as a way to replace a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. This is a permanent type dental appliance that is cemented in place and that is not removable.
A Very Permanent And Lasting Restoration
One of the more common and more reliable solutions for missing teeth is something known as a dental implant. The implant is a titanium post that replaces the actual root of the missing tooth. When the implant eventually heals it fuses with the patient’s bone resulting in a very permanent and lasting restoration. Keep in mind that the healing process can take several months when it comes to dental implants. All said patients have more choices today than ever before in terms of the restoration associated with missing teeth. Talk with your implant dentist in Walnut Creek, Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Dental Implant Solutions for further information on missing teeth restoration options.
[1] Multiple Missing Teeth and Dental Implant Options
[2] Modern Dental Implant Options
[3] Learn More About Porcelain Bridges
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Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS
2021 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite 100A
Walnut Creek, CA 94596