Know the Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening

Dental Implants Solutions

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Most would agree that nothing is more important than a beautiful smile including white and vibrant teeth. Teeth whitening helps those of all ages to recapture a more attractive appearance. It also helps to improve self-confidence and personal self-esteem. Those interested in making a great first impression whether in business or social gatherings should consider the pros and cons of teeth whitening. Teeth that have turned gray or yellow with time can be restored to a more youthful and attractive looking white set of teeth. Even those with teeth that have become dark because of a root canal treatment or fillings can benefit from teeth whitening.


Eating Certain Types of Foods


Eating Certain Types of Foods


Indeed, most people do not have bright white teeth from the outset. The color of teeth varies significantly from person to person and from age to age. Teeth can actually range from being grayish in color to yellow or to in some cases naturally white. And even in those cases where teeth are naturally white, they will begin to change color as individuals age over time. Even eating certain types of foods or drinking red wine, tea, coffee or grape juice as well as smoking cigarettes can discolor the teeth.


Whitening Products Purchased at a Drugstore


Whitening Products Purchased at a Drugstore


One method of teeth whitening is to purchase over-the-counter products such as gum or toothpaste or kits and do the procedure at home. One disadvantage of this approach is that the solutions are typically not as strong or potent as those used by a dental care provider. Also note that whitening products purchased at a drugstore will not work well in whitening dental work such as veneers or crowns and will not effectively whiten teeth that have had a root canal or filling. Professional teeth whitening is the best option and must be done in a dental clinic. This kind of procedure typically involves heat activated whitening solutions, the use of a mouth guard and home support that includes whitening toothpaste. Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Massood Darvishzadeh at Dental Implant Solutions today for more information about the pros and cons of teeth whitening.


[1] Learn More About Teeth Whitening Technologies
[2] Teeth Whitening Aftercare: Teeth Whitening That Lasts Longer

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Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS

2021 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite 100A

Walnut Creek, CA 94596

(925) 939-2600


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