Dental Implants Solutions
To better understand the differences between regular dental cleaning vs. deep cleaning it is first important to know more about periodontitis. In short, periodontitis is a chronic type of infection or disease that affects the teeth as a result of excessive bacteria collecting in the pockets and spaces underneath the gum line. The cause of periodontal disease or gum disease is usually inadequate or infrequent flossing and brushing. It is a fact that a lack of attention to good oral hygiene and dedicated dental care often results in periodontal gum disease. When the teeth are not cared for properly plaque eventually turns into tartar resulting in gingivitis and ultimately periodontal disease.
The Seriousness of Periodontal Gum Disease
When gum disease is left untreated the end result can be chronic infections that may result in other additional and more serious health related problems. Eventually teeth can be lost and even the jawbone may suffer as a result of periodontal gum disease that goes untreated. Now that we understand the seriousness of periodontal gum disease it is worth discussing the differences between a regular cleaning or regular dental hygiene and deep cleaning. A regular cleaning typically focuses only on the visible sections of the tooth located above the gum line. During a regular cleaning, the teeth are polished while with a deep cleaning large colonies of bacteria are effectively removed from beneath the gum line.
Public Health Related Issue
Note that a simple regular dental cleaning cannot be performed in the presence of untreated periodontal gum disease or periodontitis. Keep in mind that statistically speaking, nearly half of adults across the country who are older than 30 years of age have some level of gum disease. As a result, periodontal gum disease is considered a serious public health issue that has had a large impact on other types of health concerns. This includes everything from pregnancy complications to diabetes and heart disease as well as COPD and other types of inflammatory diseases. It is important to note that periodontal gum disease is a treatable condition that is curable and most importantly it is preventable.
Regular Cleanings Every Six Months
When regular routine oral hygiene and dental care are done at home including brushing and flossing after each meal the chances of gum disease happening is greatly reduced. This combined with having regular cleanings every six months and eating the right types of foods can effectively keep gum disease at bay indefinitely. That said those who require a deep cleaning should understand that this type of procedure is primarily designed to target periodontal disease and help patients enjoy better dental hygiene and long-term oral health. Best of all, patients who have had periodontitis treated typically report that they feel better following treatment. This short discussion should help you to better identify the differences between a regular cleaning and a deep cleaning. Most importantly, remember that both are designed to help patients enjoy better dental health at any stage of life. Contact your Walnut Creek dentist, Dr. Massood Darvishzadeh at Dental Implant Solutions for more information about regular dental cleaning vs. deep cleaning.
[1] Do I Need a Professional Teeth Deep Cleaning?
[2] When do you Need Teeth Deep Cleaning?
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Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS
2021 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite 100A
Walnut Creek, CA 94596