Why should we do flossing daily?

Dental Implants Solutions

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Regular flossing is a vital part of maintaining good oral hygiene. Plaque can accumulate between your teeth and gumline if you do not floss. As a result, plaque buildup on teeth can increase your chances of tooth decay and gum disease over time.


However, there are many benefits of flossing your teeth daily. It helps eliminate plaque and debris from areas a toothbrush cannot reach.


What are the benefits of flossing?


It feels great to get the last bit of popcorn or some leftover spinach between your teeth.


Flossing, on the other hand, has other advantages than making your teeth and gums look and feel better. Benefits of flossing include:


Eliminates plaque

 Eliminates plaque 

Plaque is a whitish, sticky coating that forms around, between, and along the gumline. When germs in your mouth combine with starchy or sugary meals and drinks, plaque builds up around your teeth. Moreover, these bacteria produce acids that degrade carbohydrates. Therefore, without brushing, bacteria, acids, and carbohydrates can combine to create a film of plaque on and around your teeth and gumline.


Plaque bacteria can produce acids that harm your tooth enamel. If these acids are not eliminated by brushing and flossing, they might cause cavities over time.


Reduce cavities


A cavity is caused by tooth decay in the hard surface of your teeth, known as enamel. The more plaque you have on your teeth's enamel, the more likely you will develop a cavity. Flossing will help remove hidden food particles and plaque buildup and reduce your risk of tooth decay. However, this process takes time.


Prevents gum disease


Gingivitis is a gum disease. Inflammation around the gums is one of the early indications of gingivitis. Furthermore, your gums may also bleed when you clean or floss your teeth.


If left untreated, gingivitis develops into a more severe condition known as periodontitis. Furthermore, it causes your gums to shrink or peel away from your teeth. As a result, your teeth may lose bone support and become loose.


Brushing and flossing daily will help minimize gum disease risk. Professional cleanings by your dentist every six months can also help maintain your gums healthy.


Prevents bad breath

 bad breath 

Bad breath is a common issue. Flossing, on the other hand, helps to keep bad breath at bay.


Food decays slowly when it becomes stuck between your teeth. You may get foul-smelling breath if you do not eliminate the food particles.


Furthermore, if plaque accumulates around or between your teeth and begins eroding your tooth enamel, it can lead to cavities and gum disease, contributing to a foul smell.




Flossing your teeth regularly is an essential element of your dental health. Regular flossing provides numerous vital benefits in eliminating food and debris between teeth. Moreover, flossing daily can minimize your risk of tooth decay and gum disease by removing food particles and avoiding plaque buildup.


Flossing can also help prevent food from rotting between your teeth, leading to foul breath. Some data shows that brushing and flossing regularly may minimize your risk of heart disease. Therefore, floss your teeth at least once a day before touching them.


Contact your dentist in Walnut Creek, Dr. Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS at Dental Implant Solutions, to know the benefits of daily flossing.




Common Types Of Gum Diseases


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Massood Darvishzadeh, DDS

2021 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite 100A

Walnut Creek, CA 94596

(925) 939-2600


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